Monday, March 11, 2013

GSA- Can You Find K-C?

Can you spot us? We are at the right bottom corner of the A.

Number Poems

Here are some simple number poems to practice at home to make learning fun! They are also a great tool for helping a child recall a number when they forget what it looks like.

1: Down you run and one is done
2:Around the railroad track and back
3:Around the tree, around the tree, this is how you make a three
4:Down, across and down some more; this is how you make a four
5:Short neck,belly fat, number five wears a hat
6:First a line, then an O, this is number six, you know
7:Across the sky and down from heaven that is how you make a seven
8:Around the gate, around the gate, that is how we make an eight
9:First a circle, then a line, that is how you make a nine

A Visit from the Service Learning Club

Last week, the service & learning club from the middle school came to visit us. We worked on our word wall words and played fun games with them!

Kindergarten Parent Meeting

When: Thursday March 28,2013
Where: GSA Cafeteria
Time: 4:30 pm
Come join us at an informational kindergarten meeting. We will be discussing our reading curriculum, reading strategies to help out your child, and the big jump to 1st grade!

Dr.Seuss Week

This week we celebrated Dr.Seuss' Birthday!
Monday: We wore crazy hats and hair dos
Tuesday:We dressed up as what we want to be when we grow up
Wednesday: We wore crazy socks
Thursday: We dressed as our favorite character of a Dr.Seuss book

Valentine Sort & Graph

We used our sorting skills to sort boxes of sweethearts and graph our data. 

Student of the Week: Avia Stevenson

Student of the Week: Avia Stevenson
Favorite Toy: Monster High Backpack
Favorite Book: Green Eggs & Ham
Favorite Snack: Fudge Cookies

Student of the Week: Quentin Beck

Student of the Week: Quentin Beck
Favorite Toy:Bouncy Ball
Favorite Book: Opposites
Taught the Class: A joke
Favorite Snack: Cheese Its

Student of the Week:Anna Waters

Student of the Week: Anna Waters
Favorite Toy: Baby Doll
Favorite Book: Five Little Monkeys Jumping on a Bed
Favorite Snack:Goldfish

Student of the Week: Mikalah Franklin

Student of the Week: Mikalah Franklin
Favorite Toy: My Little Pony
Taught the Class: A joke
Favorite Book: The Easter Bunny
Favorite Snack: Brownies