Saturday, September 27, 2014

Johnny Appleseed's Birthday

We celebrated Johnny Appleseed's birthday on Friday, September 26th.

Did you know?

  • Johnny Appleseed's real name is John Chapman
  • Johnny protected animals & nature
  • Johnny was born on a small farm in Massachusetts
  • Johnny began traveling the U.S. at 18 
  • Johnny often traded for things he needed such as food or clothing

We graphed our favorite way to eat an apple as a class! It looks like we LOVE apple juice.

Apple Eruptions & Jumping Apple Seed Experiment

In Science, we did two experiments this week involving apples! We did an apple eruption and how to make an apple seed jump experiment. The class was so surprised with the outcome that they could not wait to share it with parents!

Apple Eruption
What We Used:
  • Apple
  • Baking Soda
  • Vinegar
  • Apple Pie Spice
  • Cinnamon
  • Green Food Coloring ( you can use any color of your choice)
  1. First, we mixed all the spices together with the baking soda. ( to give us apple scented baking soda)
  2. Remove the core from your apple and more in the baking soda mixture.
  3. Put food coloring of your choice in the core of the apple.
  4. Pour in the vinegar and watch your apple erupt!

Jumping Apple Seed
What You Need:
  • 2/3 teaspoons of baking soda
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • a clear cup
  • apple seeds
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  1.  Combine baking soda with water in a cup.
  2. Add in apple seeds.
  3. Drop in the lemon juice.
  4. Watch your seeds bounce around!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Pizza at Sally's- Retelling a Story

This week in reading we covered people at work. We read the book Pizza at Sally's by Monica Wellington about a lady named Sally who owned a pizza shop. Our class really enjoyed this story- probably because it had to do with food and we got to re-create it! We used this activity to practice our retelling skills on how they made a pizza in the story. This is an easy skill to practice at home. After reading a story to you child go back through the pages and let them tell you what happened in the story.
By: Chase



Apples Up On Top

This week we focused on apples in science in honor of Johnny Appleseed's birthday on Friday.

We read 10 Apples Up On Top by Dr. Seuss and then also learned a fun song to the book as well.

Check out our apples on top!

Monday, September 22, 2014

GSA Girl's Soccer

This Saturday the GSA girls kinder team played amazing! It was their first game and they played a 1st grade team.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Remembering September 11th

On Thursday, we celebrated Patriot's Day! We briefly discussed September 11th and heroes in our community. We talked about why this is such an important day to the U.S.A.
We also read the book September 12th We Knew Everything Would Be All Right. Our class loved this book! Especially, the words and illustrations. This book was written by first grades in Kennett, Missouri.  It was a neat experience for students to see a child made book.

Practicing One-to-one Correspondence with Goldfish

On Thursday, we practiced one-to-one correspondence with goldfish. This is an easy skill to practice at home that will help your child with counting.

Our Friend Zero the Hero

This week on the 20th day of school we met our friend "Zero the Hero". We discussed why the number 0 is so important and why it is different from the other numbers.
Every 10 days of school we will get to color in a Zero Hero and we are VERY excited!

Handwriting Without Tears Curriculum

Dear Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s),
  Our Kindergarten Handwriting curriculum is Handwriting Without Tears. It covers  capital and lowercase letters; number, word, and sentence lessons that combine handwriting instruction with other language art lessons. It provides a fun and interactive way to learn, gray blocks for teaching capitals without reversals, large step-by-step illustrated instruction, child-friendly consistent language, generous space with room to write, double lines to facilitate correct size and placement, and left-hand friendly design.

  This week our class will be introduced to HWT writing techniques. The following weeks to come your child will  learn how to write their letters. 

Please click on the link below to learn a little more about our fun and interactive songs!


Pete the Cat: An Introduction to the the number 4 and 0

This week we read Pete the Cat and his Four Groovy Buttons. This was a fun and interactive way for us to review the numbers 4 & 5. If you are not familiar with this story, check it out in the link below! Our class just LOVED this book :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Name Writing Practice

The past couple weeks we have practiced writing our first & last name in various ways! Check it out!

The last two are easy ways to practice at home! You can write your child's name with a marker and have them trace the letters with stickers to practice letter formation. You can also rainbow write, which is our class favorite! You can write your child's name with a black marker and have them trace over it in every color of the rainbow.