Monday, October 28, 2013

Shaving Cream Fun!

Today, we worked with shaving cream in our classroom! We practiced forming our upper case & lower case letters while having some fun! Please encourage your children at home to only use upper case letters when they are necessary. We are trying to break away from the habit in class and are preparing to use the appropriate case when necessary.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Our Visit to the Pumpkin Patch!

Today, our class went on their first field trip! We visited Stuckmeyer Farms.
On our field trip we:

  • Went on a hay ride through the Pumpkin Patch
  • Went through a Spooky Halloween Maze
  • Played in a Spooky Fort
  • Got our very OWN pumpkin!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Pumpkin Investigation

This week we learned all about pumpkins to help us prepare for attending the pumpkin patch.  Today, we investigated the outside of  a pumpkin. We did several activities to find out a little more information. We discovered:
  • The amount of lines a pumpkin has tells you how many rows of seeds it has inside
  • The color of a pumpkin can tell you how old it is
  • Pumpkins can FLOAT! They DO NOT SINK!
  • Like an apple, a pumpkin also grows a flower (the flowers are edible)
  • The orange, stringy, slimy, stuff inside is called: pumpkin pulp

Wednesday, October 9, 2013



Field trip money & permission slips are due today 10/9/13 !

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Coin Challenge

K-C won the coin challenge! Thank you so much for contributing to the challenge! Our class is so excited that we raised so much money for the school library.
As the winners of the challenge we will receive:

  • One free book for each child from the book fair
  • A class ice-cream party (more details TBA)
  • $200 worth of books for our classroom
Amazing job! 

Johnny Appleseed's Birthday

We celebrated Johnny Appleseed's Birthday September 26th.

Did you know?

  • Johnny Appleseed's real name is John Chapman
  • Johnny protected animals & nature
  • Johnny was born on a small farm in Massachusetts
  • Johnny began traveling the U.S. at 18 
  • Johnny often traded for things he needed such as food or clothing

One-to-One Correspondence

Last Week in Math, we worked on one-to-one correspondence. One-to-one correspondence is the ability to match numbers to objects.This is an easy skill to practice at home.

There are so so many ways to practice this concept for all developmental levels and can be as simple as:

  • Count your fingers and toes (touching each of them).
  • Count all of the animals in a book.
  • Covering the numbers 1-5 with the corresponding amount of stickers.
  • Counting the trees or cars you pass on a walk!
Teacher Tip- 3 techniques to help teaching this concept:
Scanning- Have your child move their hand over the object as you count out loud. Better yet...touch it!
Organize- If the items are scattered about you can move them together. Once counted, you can move them into a line or in an organized shape. Your child can then go back if they lose track, reorganize their thoughts, and pick back up.
Partition- Assign separate "compartments" for all objects, counted and not yet! Like egg cartons, cups, baskets, paper cut into different shapes labeled with a number.