Tuesday, October 1, 2013

One-to-One Correspondence

Last Week in Math, we worked on one-to-one correspondence. One-to-one correspondence is the ability to match numbers to objects.This is an easy skill to practice at home.

There are so so many ways to practice this concept for all developmental levels and can be as simple as:

  • Count your fingers and toes (touching each of them).
  • Count all of the animals in a book.
  • Covering the numbers 1-5 with the corresponding amount of stickers.
  • Counting the trees or cars you pass on a walk!
Teacher Tip- 3 techniques to help teaching this concept:
Scanning- Have your child move their hand over the object as you count out loud. Better yet...touch it!
Organize- If the items are scattered about you can move them together. Once counted, you can move them into a line or in an organized shape. Your child can then go back if they lose track, reorganize their thoughts, and pick back up.
Partition- Assign separate "compartments" for all objects, counted and not yet! Like egg cartons, cups, baskets, paper cut into different shapes labeled with a number.

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