Sunday, February 1, 2015

100th Day of School

We had a blast on our 100th day of school.

We were welcomed into school by our 100 year old teachers.

We used the number 100 to form many different pictures. Joey turned his 100 into a rainbow with a thunderstorm above it, Olivia made hers into glasses for a person, Yazmin made her 100 into a scooter, and Lana made hers into a dog!

We visited Ms. Murphy's room where we built a 100 cup structure and Mrs. Cate's room where we made 100 day of school necklaces.

In our room we did a before & after photo project! We took a picture of us today and a future picture of what we will look like when we are 100 years old.

We shared MANY AMAZING 100 day projects! Each unique and special in their own way!

Overall, our 100th day was a success! 

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