Thursday, September 10, 2015

Silver Spatula Winners

We won the "Silver Spatula" this week for our amazing lunchroom behavior and we could not be more excited!

What is the "Silver Spatula"?
Classes are awarded the "Silver Spatula for their outstanding lunch room behavior each week.

All About the "Silver Spatula"?
-Get "Caught" doing the right thing by the "Silver Spatula Spy"
-The homeroom with the most "Caught Chas" for the week earns the "Silver Spatula"
-Students in the winning class will get a small treat on Monday
-If a class earns the "Silver Spatula" two weeks in a row, they receive an extra recess or free time with their teacher
-Any class who earns the "Silver Spatula" four times will receive a "N.U.T. Award"

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